New-year-2013-good-bye-2012I hope that I am not the only one who views the approaching New Year with pangs of panic.  I look back at the past year and view it critically – seeing where I did wrong, and what I need to work on.  I hope to forever see my life as a work in progress, but that perfectionist attitude carries over in some odd ways.  Just one year I would love to come upon New Year’s Eve with a sense of accomplishment and joy, not the over-celebrated chance to throw away the old and embrace the new.

Even so, I have spent a lot of time this month looking forward to some changes I want to make in my life.  Positive, life affirming changes.  It is my hope to not necessarily make them “resolutions” per se, but active goals to be achieved in the year 2013.

  • First and foremost is my health.  I have been slack in the upkeep of my personalhealthy-lifestyle body for a few months now and I am tired of… well.. being tired all the time.  I have already put plans into place so when I come home from my Christmas vacation I have something to look forward to.
  • In an ongoing decision to embrace a healthier lifestyle, I have decided to make a few physical goals as well.  I have already met up with some friends and the plans are in the works to do the DelMac ( together in 2013.  I also intend on dancing again on stage this spring, so my mini goal is to get myself into true dance shape in the next few months.
  • I have to address my housekeeping skills this year.  I am, at best, an absolutely horrid housekeeper.  I actually have next to no idea what I am doing.  My Mom was a great woman, and I loved her dearly, but she was such a perfectionist she never let me do more than the bare minimum’s when it came to cleaning.  I wasn’t allowed to use their washer or dryer – I actually went off to college and had to get my roommates help on how to use the machines.  As silly as it seems?  I think I need to take a class or something and get myself and my home up to a higher standard.  The clutter is getting to me.

    Baby Blues Comic

    Baby Blues Comic

I think those are some pretty big goals to tackle this year and I hope to reassess on a monthly basis.  If you have any thoughts on tips to help me complete my goals, feel free to email me or send a message.  Also, if you want to be accountable for your own 2013 goals, feel free to post them here.  I have found that writing out my ideas goes a long way toward their coming to fruition.

I hope your 2012 was filled with joy.

May your 2013 be even better.